Woman Demands Pet Owners Stop Calling Animals Their ‘Fur Baby’

When it comes to opinions, everybody has one and some people are willing to go out on a limb to debate their opinion to no end. They will even do so and sometimes even more so when it is controversial.

One of the opinions that many of us have is in regard to the animals that are under our care. For many of us, a pet is more than an animal that is in our home, they become somewhat of a member of the family.

We also realize that caring for pets is a very important responsibility so we will give them the food, shelter, and all of the love they need. We may even welcome them with open arms to the point where they are no longer a ‘pet’, they are a fur baby.

I think that most of us are also aware of the fact that humans need just as much as pets and if we have a human child in the house, they are a precious part of it. We would never let them go without what they need, so it seems as if it is a symbiotic relationship within the household.

Many people who have pets consider the responsibilities to be just as important as caring for humans, so we may refer to them as our fur babies or fur kids. We have been doing it for years, but now somebody wants us to stop.

Elizabeth Broadbent is also an animal owner and she has a child as well. She is calling on all pet owners to stop referring to their animals as fur babies, stating that they are not children.

She said: “Your puppy is not your child, so stop saying that he is. I have three children now, and I know this for certain — kids and dogs are not the same.”

She went on to say: “Pet ownership is a serious commitment that should only be taken up by those who really mean to care for an animal for the rest of its natural life.

“Pet ownership is a serious commitment that should only be taken up by those who really mean to care for an animal for the rest of its natural life. Call yourself a dog person but don’t call your dog a baby. Don’t call him your ‘furkid’ or ‘furbaby.’”

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