Be ready to be surprised: 600-pound reality star married in provocative wedding gown
Tammy Slayton chose to wear an open dress despite being overweight.
The stars of the well-known American reality program “1,000 Pound Sisters,” which follows two girls with life-threatening levels of obesity, are sisters Tammy and Emmy Slayton.
They have now reached ages 34 and 35, respectively. They agreed to broadcast their everyday lives to millions of people up till a few years ago in the hopes of losing weight and starting to live life to the fullest.
The sisters battled their addictions and themselves for three seasons. Amy was the sister who had the most success; she is making progress with her weight loss and is claiming surgery.
Amy was about 185 kg at the time of filming (of which she has already shed about 50), and Tammy was about 275. She has put on weight, and she is now close to three hundred pounds, in contrast to her sibling. Naturally, Tammy’s health rapidly declined, and she was moved to an Ohio medical rehabilitation center that specialized in treating fat patients.