Farmers are always worried about rodents and bugs on their farms. These pests can eat the crops and spread diseases. However, in New Brunswick, Canada, a mouse was discovered in a cannabis field. The little guy was found lying on its back, looking “stoned” and completely knocked out.
Finding a “Stoned” Mouse on a Stack of Cannabis Leaves
Colin Sullivan saw a small mouse taking leaves from his garden for two days straight. He saw pictures of the mouse munching on the leaves before it got sick. The mouse was found passed out on a pile of leaves.
Sullivan put the mouse in a cage to help it feel better. After six days, the mouse went back to its home in the wild.
The person who owns the plant shared a funny story on Facebook: “Two days in a row, I saw this little troublemaker munching on leaves from my plant until he falls asleep.”
He doesn’t have one ear, so maybe he’s trying to help himself with his PTSD, but I believe it’s time to step in and help him. I’ll let him sleep it off this time, but when he wakes up, I’m going to have a serious talk with him.

A couple of days later, Sullivan let his followers know that the mouse was still in his clear cage.
He mentioned that our little baked friend has had a tough time lately, with a stomach ache and a strong craving for food, but he believes that he will get better soon.
He’s only having one medium leaf a day now and it looks like he’s getting used to it. Just take it one day at a time, my friend, one day at a time.
Three days later, the mouse was let out of “rehab”. Sullivan told everyone about the mouse being sober with lots of funny puns.
“On The Rodent To Redemption.
After fighting addiction for a long time, this small mouse has overcome his struggles and is now ready to move forward. It’s important for all of us to come together and support those who are trying to clear the smoke in their lives. He worked hard and received his first Twelve Step chip.
The “Stoner Mouse” Goes Viral
The initial post got more than 461,000 shares, while the final post got over 6,400 shares and 1,500 comments, which were full of happy laughs and jokes.
Cody Myshrall mentioned, “I’m glad to hear that he’s getting better.”
Rhyll O’Keefe mentioned, “I can totally imagine Cheech the mouse saying, ‘Wow, that was a crazy adventure… I have no idea where I was, but somehow I ended up in jail.’”
Wendy Chaplin mentioned: “It’s tough to quit! Thanks for looking out for the little stoner!”
A lot of people commented on the post saying they were there for the funny mouse, but they ended up liking the nice message and congratulated Sullivan for staying sober.
The Laws on Marijuana in New Brunswick.
In Canada, cannabis became legal in 2018, but each province and territory has its own way of dealing with the drug.
The New Brunswick government says on their website: “We’re creating a safe, legal, and responsible culture for adults with our choices, actions, and laws. We’re focusing on educating the public about health and making the most of the economic benefits of this new industry.”
In this region, individuals must be at least 19 years old to partake in cannabis consumption, with sales limited to licensed vendors. The possession limit stands at 30 grams per person. Public consumption and cannabis use in vehicles are strictly forbidden. Landlords hold the authority to prohibit tenants from smoking or cultivating cannabis on their premises. Nevertheless, if smoking tobacco is allowed, they cannot prevent the smoking of cannabis.
It is crucial for residents of New Brunswick to comprehend the potential risks associated with cannabis in order to make well-informed choices regarding their personal use.