Have you ever found something in a box or perhaps in the back of the drawer that you never saw before? You might be curious enough to ask the Internet and in many cases, they would be able to find the answer.
Recently, however, somebody found a strange object and they took to the Internet to get some advice. It was located in the bedside drawer, and they posted the picture on Reddit. Most people could not figure it out.
Finally, somebody said it may be a vintage item that is similar to what we may use today. These items are used to keep our nails fresh and bright looking. It was a vintage nail buffer.
As a beauty tool, they have a long and rich history. They may be little gadgets, but when it comes to grooming your fingernails on a regular basis, it’s a great idea to use it.
Typically, a nail buffer is made out of a piece of leather or some smooth stones. It rubs down the rough spots on the nails to make them shine and it worked very well.
During the Victorian era, nail care became even more of an important part of our personal care. You could often find one of the nail buffers on a vanity table, and they were richly engraved with intricate designs.
Electric nail buffers became popular in the 20th century as they reduced the amount of effort necessary to use them. It was nice, but it was also very easy to burn through the nail too far and that would be a painful experience.
Nail buffers still exist, but not in the same way that the vintage form we see above exists. We can just be thankful that we still find them from time to time because they remind us where we came from.