At the first sight, it looked like a small box with a hidden LED light. He aspired to get the meaning of this device or its function, but there were no signs to get the meaning.
The used tried to find the information on the internet, sharing the photo of that device on a forum, where mainly the technological devices are discussed.
The answers started to come following each other. From mesmerizing theories to enough real opinions.
Some guessed that it was a hidden camera, others supposed it being a some kind of device monitoring the state of the device.
But the rel answer was more prosaic. After a while, he found the answer.
It was a motion sensor whose data was collected for operating time statistics. To say it in the other way, your employer will know you are at your desk or just have a rest in the bathroom.
This device records every movement and in the case of longer absence, sends a signal to the system.
In this way, the time in the office can be wasted in a more productive way, showing how much time you spend on your work.